
Map - The World of Direbound

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Copyright © Andrés Aguirre Jurado 2025

Direbound character art!

Portrait of the three main characters of Direbound, Meryn, Killian, and Stark, by @reebardin:

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Portrait of Meryn Cooper, by @lechvertart:

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Portrait of Saela Cooper, Meryn's little sister, by @lechvertart:

Glossary & Pronunciation Guide



The warriors of the Bonded packs, known for their brutality and physical prowess in battle. Their magic can make them stronger, faster, more deadly in battle, and even be wielded as a weapon against enemies by some. Daemos wolves all have dark coloring, some are a deep black in color.

STRATEGOS (stra-TEE-gos) 

The tacticians and leaders of the Bonded packs, masters of strategy and battlefield command. Their communication magic is stronger than the other packs, enabling them to strategize and discuss tactics in battle; they are also gifted with flashes of foresight, brief glimpses of possible immediate futures. Strategos wolves all have silver and/or white coloring.


The shadow walkers and spies of the Bonded packs, specializing in stealth and intelligence gathering. Able to wield concealment magic that bends light and shadow to aid in stealth; at certain times of day or in certain conditions, wolf and rider can become nearly invisible. Kryptos wolves have a deeper gray or speckled coat.


The guardians of the Bonded packs, focused on defense and protection. Able to defensive magic, which can vary from small temporary barriers to large protective domes when the pack works together. Wolves in Phylax have tan and brown coloring.

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The highest-ranking member of each pack, chosen by the direwolves.

The first of the Bonding Trials; a dangerous climb up Mount Wolfsbane where potential Bonded must prove themselves worthy of bonding with a direwolf.

Astreona (as-tree-OH-na)
The kingdom of the Siphons.

Second in command of a pack, handling day-to-day operations.

A human who has successfully bonded with a direwolf, forming a telepathic connection, and has completed their training.

Bonded City
The wealthy, secluded city behind the castle where the Bonded and their families reside.

Bonding Trials
The four month period of Rawbond training, comprised of different trials to test a Rawbond’s connection to their direwolf and their suitability for their pack.

A spiced alcohol popular in Nocturna, often served warm.

The Faceless Goddess
Ancient deity whose true name and appearance have been lost to time.

The first two months of the Bonded Trials, focused on pack unity.

Third in rank of a pack, typically two or three chosen in each pack.

The fated partner of a direwolf; increasingly rare to find.

Mount Wolfsbane
Highest peak in the mountain range north of Sturmfrost, where the direwolves and Bonded form their bonds.

What commoners call the kidnappers who take children from the streets, presumed to be Siphons or those in league with Siphons.

Nocturna (nok-TUR-na)
The kingdom where Direbound takes place.

The second two months of the Bonded Trials, focused on inter-pack coordination.

A newly bonded trainee who hasn't completed their training.

Vampire-like immortal beings who feed on human life force and wield blood magic.

Sovereign Alpha
The highest-ranking of all Bonded, who can communicate with all packs' wolves.

Sturmfrost (STURM-frost)
The royal city of Nocturna, and Meryn’s home. 

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Anassa (ah-NAS-sa)
Meryn's direwolf

Cratos (KRAY-tos)
Stark's huge and brutal direwolf

Cyril Valtiere (SEE-rull VAL-tee-air)
King of Nocturna; Killian’s father

Egith Hartsfeld (EE-gith HARTS-feld)
Beta of Strategos pack

Henrey Smythe (HEN-ree SMITH)
Rawbond in Phylax pack; only other Rawbond not to come from a Bonded family in Meryn’s year

Igor (EE-gor)
Meryn’s neighbor and pit fighting trainer 

Izabel Brooks (IZ-ah-bell)
Meryn's closest friend among the Bonded, a fellow Rawbond of Strategos pack

Jonah (JOE-nuh)
Rawbond in Daemos pack; enemy of Meryn’s

Killian Valtiere (KILL-ee-an VAL-tee-air)
Crown Prince of Nocturna

In a romantic relationship with Meryn; palace messenger

Markos Blackwood (MAR-kos)
Pack alpha for Strategos pack

Meryn Cooper (MARE-in KOO-per)
Street fighter, daughter, sister — and reluctant recruit to the Bonded

Nevah Rivenson (NEH-vuh)
One of Meryn’s fellow Rawbonds in Strategos pack

Saela Cooper (SAY-la)
Meryn's younger sister

Stark Therion (Stark THAY-ree-un)
Alpha of Daemos pack

Tomison Thorne (TOME-iss-un)
One of Meryn’s fellow Rawbonds in Strategos pack

Venna Brooks (VEN-na)
Izabel’s twin sister, a Rawbond of Kryptos pack